Defend the Great Communist Leadership of the Communist Party of Peru Comrades, We have promoted this international Conference with comrades of the Peru Peoples Movement, the generated organisation of the Communist Party of Peru, and comrades of the Turkish Communist Party (ML), because, for us, the defence of the Great Communist Leadership of the revolution in Peru is a decisive task, today pending for communists in the world, mainly for Marxist-Leninist-Maoists. To organise this first Conference is a first victory: we are pleased and proud because delegations coming from different countries in the world accepted our appeal. Comrades, Today to defend the Great Communist Leadership of revolution in Peru is to defend consciously a revolutionary leadership, a Communist leadership, and a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist leadership. It means to defend consciously the Communist leaders who, forged by the great revolutionary history of the proletariat and people, apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to their concrete reality, develop a specific thought, the proletarian ideology, the science of the international proletariat and oppressed peoples liberation. This specific thought becomes a decisive and tested weapon that enables Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties to advance, overcoming every difficulty. It means to defend, sustain and support the Peoples War that imperialism, reaction and revisionism want to annihilate, beheading the Party, building vicious hoaxes, planning the murder of leaders. Today we cannot reduce the defence of Chairman Gonzalo to the defence of Dr. Guzman, as the defence of a political prisonereven if he is the most important one in the worldbecause we must affirm the main question: the defence of the greatest Marxist-Leninist-Maoist today in the world, the defence of the Communist Party of Peru and of the Peoples War that it leads. To Defend Chairman Gonzalo is to Defend the Peoples War in Peru The Peoples War in Peru is the proof that it is possible to struggle and to beat Yankee imperialism and its puppet-regimes, just while Yankee imperialism seeks to build a new world order in its image and likeness, unchaining imperialist wars of aggression, like in the Balkans, fomenting reactionary wars in the Balkans, Indonesia, and Latin America. The Peoples War in Peru is the proof that it is possible to carry forward the anti-imperialist armed struggle under the leadership of the proletariat; it is possible to build the new power in the face of parties and fronts that, everywhere in the worldin Nicaragua, Kurdistan, Palestine, etc.are capitulating before the enemy. The Peoples War in Peru has been a solid landmark for the Initiation of Peoples War in Nepal, to advance the affirmation of the peoples war line in Turkey, India, the Philippines, etc. It is a Peoples War that has resisted every encirclement and annihilation campaign launched by imperialists, making its enemies "defeat specialists"; a Peoples War that has not stopped for a minute, crushing every "pacification" hoax, that has been able to face bends and inflexions and now is going to overcome them. To Defend Chairman Gonzalo is to Defend the Communist Party of Peru The Party, more than anyone else, has struggled to affirm Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism, as the guide of International Communist Movement. The Party has been able to hold its course; it has defeated the Right Opportunist Line that arose in the Peruvian prisons and among the generated organisations abroad, in collusion with the hoaxes fabricated by the enemy; it has been able to regenerate its leadership, and now, after the arrest of Comrade Feliciano, is closing its ranks around the new leadership of Comrade Julio, whom we greet with our militant salute. Therefore, to doubt the Great Communist Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo and his Thought means, no matter what one wants, to doubt the Communist Party of Peru and the Peoples War it leads; it means to deny facts and truths that heroic Peru people have affirmed with weapons and blood. Long live THE Communist Party OF Peru !
Defend the Life of Comrade Feliciano Comrades, The arrest, two months ago, of Comrade Feliciano set a new urgency: to develop, as a part of the campaign to defend the Great Communist Leadership of the revolution in Peru, a specific campaign to defend the life of Comrade Feliciano. With the arrest of Comrade Feliciano, imperialism, revisionism and reaction renew their efforts to behead the Partys leadership, to annihilate the Party and to stop the Peoples War, in a context of new USA/UN/NATO intervention to stabilise the dictatorial and starvation regimes, servants of imperialism in this region. Therefore, the defence of Comrade Feliciano must not be reduced into the defence of O. Ramirez. The defence of Comrade Feliciano must be the defence of the leader who, following and applying the line drawn by Chairman Gonzalo, held responsibility for the CC during the sharpest phase of the struggle against the revisionist and capitulationist Right Opportunist Line and overcame the bend in the road represented by the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo, following the only possible road: the developing Peoples War. A defence linked to the support of the Communist Party of Peru, of its CCaround which we close ranksand of the Peoples War it leads; that is the only way to fight against armed interventions, maneuvers and hoaxes by which they seek to impose imperialist pacification. DEFEND the liFe and physical integrity of Comrade Feliciano!
To Defend Chairman Gonzalo is to Affirm the Need to Apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Comrades, To defend the Great Communist Leadership of the revolution in Peru is a task of all Communist parties and organisations in the world, and it is part of affirming all Communist Leadership. This is not to apologise for Chairman Gonzalo and his Thought, of the line and the outcomes of the Communist Party of Peru and the Peoples War, but to defend, to sustain and to generalise: the lessons of Chairman Gonzalo and his Great Communist Leadershipas the necessity to creatively apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism to concrete conditions; the lessons of the Communist Party of Peruthe advanced detachment of the international proletariat; the lessons of the Peoples War in Peruthe most advanced revolutionary struggle in the world today. We are not simply recognising a historical reality, the historical merit of a revolutionary leader; we are, rather, acknowledging and grasping weapons brought about by an advanced revolutionary experience. In order to do it, it is necessary to find our own specific way to take possession of these weapons, serving the world revolution. Apply Creatively Marxism-Leninism-Maoism as a Tested, Winning Weapon To understand and to struggle for these great tasks means to defend and to affirm Maoism, not as a simple ideological option, but as a tested, winning weapon: that is, to defend and to affirm the practical advances of our science, and the outcomes of its application on concrete reality; that is, to defend and to affirm the new opportunities for victory they open for all the Parties and organisations in our countries; that is, to defend and to affirm the opportunity of building international unity among Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communists on the basis of tested Maoism, a Maoism open to the lessons and contributions coming out of the developments of Peoples War in Nepal, Turkey, India, the Philippines, etc. To deny these tasks is to deny the decisive weapon to form and develop revolutionary Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties, parties built to prepare, initiate and develop Peoples War, not on the basis of an abstract orthodoxy, not as a pure emanation of an international central owner of this, but as a fighting machine, firmly united on an advanced ideological basis, armed with a specific thought and led by a verified leadership. To deny these tasks is to deny the only basis on which the struggle/unity process can advance to unify the Communists on a world scale, neither in an eclectic-principled aggregation, nor in a forum of permanent debate, but as an organised forcea structured force on the most ideologically and organisationally advanced basis now existing, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, a force forged by the generalisation of the most advanced, tested experiences and by the most relentless struggle against the most sophisticated forms of contemporary revisionism and opportunism. Give New Impulses to the Defence of Chairman Gonzalo Therefore, to take up once again the defence of Chairman Gonzalo is today very urgent, also because many of those who mobilised themselves to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo after his arrest then let this flag drop, in objective continuity with doubts about his position brought about by maneuvers and hoaxes of the enemy and by positions of the revisionist and capitulationist black line of "peace agreements". They have not understood that to struggle against opportunism and revisionism, to defend the Peoples War in Peru, the Party leading it, its Great Communist Leadership and its Thought, are a single unity and to desert the consequent tasks means to push backwards the struggle to unify the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communists on a world scale, to push backwards the struggle to form and develop genuine revolutionary Marxist-Leninist-Maoist parties.
Defend the liFe of chairman Gonzalo, great leader of the Party and the
Forward with the Constitution of MLM Parties Comrades, We are going to end our intervention by giving an account of ideological and practical leaps brought about to our organisation by our work to support the Peoples War in Peru, the Communist Party of Peru, Chairman Gonzalo and his Thought. Since we formed Rossoperaio as a pre-party organisation, around the mid-1980s, we characterised ourselves by the persistence with which we made the internationalist campaigns to support revolutionary Maoist forces and struggles in the world, mainly the Communist Party of Peru and the Peoples War it leads, not only a constant of our work but also an element of our own identity, a line of demarcation within the camp of revolutionaries in our country, to the point that the bourgeois press, that usually ignores us, once wrote about us, calling us the "Italian Sendero". All this reflects our understanding of the fight to form a proletarian revolutionary party in Italy as a part of the international struggle process to build the unity of the Communists on a world scale on the most advanced as possible ideological and political basisthat, today, is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism, with the contributions of Chairman Gonzalo on the universality of peoples war and on the concept of the militarised party; that, for us, means to build the Party in order to begin the Peoples War. A peoples war deeply-rooted to the organised worker masses in the Cobas. A peoples war as a renewal of heroic anti-fascist Resistance partisan warfare and as critical summation of the most advanced experience of armed struggle in an imperialist country. This is an extraordinary weapon, comrades, that can turn dwarves into giants. A Great Decision Comrades, We are proud of announcing here that our work has yielded its fruits. On this basis we advanced in the effort to apply to the concrete Italian conditions, to work out the first nuclei of a specific thought, as a result of the concrete experience in leading class struggle in our country, of the summing up the experience of the Italian Communist movement, of analysing the structure and the role of Italian imperialism in the actual context of the world situation. A small, firmly ideologically united and consistently organised group is today able to develop a great leap aimed at a new beginning of revolutionary warfare in the heart of a European imperialist country. Comrades, Here we announce that the Italian Marxist-Leninist-Maoists will conclude, in this year, their march toward the formation of the Party, giving life to the Maoist Communist Party!
Long live the Maoist Communist Party !
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