As comrades and women, we have to enthusiastically hail the role that thousands of women are playing, showing heroism and resolution within the people wars in Peru, Nepal and Turkey, etc.. We express our full revolutionary solidarity and support to the very many women who, in the revolutionary and mainly in the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist organizations, show an extraordinary determination, fighting in the front-lines, carrying out the strongest forms of resistance against those political-economic regimes and systems that often practice on the women themselves the fiercest repression, tortures and every kind of cruelty. Both outside and inside the prisons, within the revolutionary struggles and peoples wars, women bring evidence of being able to express a determination, heroism and a revolutionary radicalism that has no comparison. All this is the proof that the womens role is not only important but rather decisive and necessary in a revolutionary perspective. The analysis of conditions in our and other imperialist countries, together with the historical summation of also recent movements and the teachings we have to draw from the past struggles and revolutions, inevitably leads us to state that a Party that really wants to be revolutionary, cannot put the female question in a back seat, reducing it into an appendix of the class struggle, as a merely superstructural problem. At the same time, an irreplaceable lesson that we draw from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is that no revolution really can be such without a "revolution in the revolution" that shakes off all the material and ideological fetters that determine still today the condition of double oppression of the proletarian women all over the world. In the same way, examples of both past and present show us what revolutionary importance the role of the women has in the revolutionary struggle and peoples wars, when the double oppression consciousness changes into rebellion. In Italy, like in other imperialist countries, we witness the further outbreak of womens oppression, a return to a modern Middle Ages, that, in various forms and using scientific ideological and cultural tools, re-propose to women a reality of inferiority and subordination. They are aiming at the central position of family, the usual cage of oppression and mistreatment; they are launching anti-abortion campaigns, agitating the most backward Christian fundamentalist values; they are legalizing sexual violence; they are leaving women out of the labour market, in which women are doomed to super-exploitation, unemployment, precariousness, "black jobs", and blackmail. We speak about a Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement While we use the word feminism we are conscious how much misused and at the same time misunderstood it can be within the revolutionary and MLM movement, where this word is often unpopular and opposed because of the bourgeois and reformist features it has been assuming over the years. However, for us to speak about feminism means to state that the leading role and the revolutionary determination of women are necessary and they cannot be set aside. When we say feminism, we raise and claim all the hard struggle, the rebellion, the breakthroughs that women have had and have to carry out against the actual exploiting and oppressive bourgeois system. We speak about feminism because there will not be emancipation for the proletarians without a deep-rooted revolution in the role of women; there will not be revolution without liberation without the breaking off of all shackles. We speak about proletarian feminism, in opposition of the various forms of bourgeois and petit bourgeois feminism. We know that are the material conditions, the class they belong to, that distinguishes individuals more than their gender. We do not believe a female specificity exists as an abstract problem of gender, prescribing the real social-economical conditions that materially determine their existences. Unlike bourgeois women, proletarian women have no interest in maintaining the present state of things unchanged, to carve out seats, rights and opportunities inside bourgeois society. We speak about revolutionary proletarian feminism because there can not be any achievement for women through reforms that leave the structure and production relationships in the bourgeois society unchanged. The liberation/emancipation of women has to be achieved within the deep-rooted revolutionary transformation of society by means of class struggle. The Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement is a weapon so that women advance and integrate themselves in constituting the Maoist Communist Party as a Party of a new type, and in revolutionary warfare as powerful force of liberation. The development of Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement is the application of MLM to the concrete reality of the womens movement in an imperialist country. The Revolutionary Proletarian Feminist Movement is a weapon of the "revolution in the revolution" to defeat the imperialist beast and the revisionist reformism and to advance toward socialism and Communism.
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