Proletarians of all countries, unite!


Central Committee
Communist Party of Peru
December 2015

Red Banner

Reproduced by the
May 2016

[Prepared for the Internet by Red Sun magazine]

Proletarians of All Countries, Unite!


“For the Communist Parties the question is not to focus attention on the imperialist world war but on the people’s war, because only it will give rise to the power led by the proletariat. We consider that as long as imperialism exists there is the possibility of imperialist world wars, and what Chairman Mao said is true; either revolution prevents the war or the world war spurs on the revolution. For an imperialist world war to take place, the strategic superiority of one of the superpowers must be defined, and according to the reactionary military theoreticians this will be developed with a first phase with use of nuclear weapons, an overwhelming nuclear bombardment from both sides, and a second phase in which big contingents of millions will participate and a conventional war is begun to occupy territories, because the goal is to divide the booty, especially the oppressed nations. A big ferocious slaughter begins, which in turn leads to repercussions against the imperialists, and gives more reasons for the oppressed nations, the peoples and the class to rise up in people’s war. So, if the imperialist world war comes: first, we are against it; second, we are not afraid of it and we focus on revolution; third, to focus on revolution means to wage people’s war led by the proletariat through its Communist Parties; and fourth, this people’s war must be specified in each type of country according to type of revolution. So, the world people’s war is on the agenda!”

“Our Party upholds that in the world today there are three fundamental contradictions: 1) The contradiction between oppressed nations, on one hand, against imperialist superpowers and imperialist powers on the other hand; this contains the thesis that three worlds are outlined, and we formulate it this way because the heart of this contradiction is with the imperialist superpowers but there is also the contradiction with the imperialist powers. This is the principal contradiction and its solution is the development and triumph of the new democratic revolutions. 2) The contradiction between proletariat-bourgeoisie; its solution is the socialist revolution and in perspective the proletarian cultural revolution. 3) The interimperialist contradiction: between the imperialist superpowers, between imperialist superpowers and powers and between the imperialist powers themselves, which leads to war for world hegemony and imperialist wars of plunder, which the proletariat must oppose with people’s war and in perspective the world people’s war. The contradiction between socialism and capitalism we do not put here today because it only takes place on the ideological and political level, since it does not exist as a state, there is no socialist system today; there was before, and to argue that it exists today is essentially to put forward that the USSR is socialist, which is revisionism.”

INTERNATIONAL LINE – Fundamental Documents

The Central Committee extends its full and unconditional salute and subjection to our Great leadership, Chairman Gonzalo, Great leader of the Party and the revolution, to the heroic Communist Party of Peru, to its whole system of Party leadership. Likewise, it extends its salute to each and every one of the leaders, cadres and militants of the Communist Party of Peru, as well as the combatants of the People’s Liberation Army, the People’s Committees and the masses who work with the Party in Peru and abroad, and to the people in general, on the occasion of this highly important date for the international proletariat, the birthday of Chairman Mao Tse-Tung.

Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, great teacher of the proletariat and apex of Marxism-Leninism. In him, the general development of Marxism is concentrated, which the Communist Party of Peru upholds, defends and applies as “third, new and higher stage of Marxism”, Maoism. It was precisely the Communist Party of Peru that sanctioned it and struggled arduously within the RIM to impose it as the Marxism of today in struggle with the other members, and today strives to place it as command and guide of the world revolution.

We would like to begin by dealing with imperialism, its processes and its perspectives.

Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism, after its global crisis of 2008, and in particular Yankee imperialism is defending its role as sole gendarme and its world hegemony, against the imperialist powers Russia and China, countries that restored capitalism.

On the crisis of capitalism, Martin Wolf, economy editor of Financial Times, peddler of neoliberalism, stated: “Remember Friday March 14 2008: it was the day the dream of global free- market capitalism died". "The implications of this decision are evident", they are "global" and "long-term". "The Federal Reserve system achieved in a couple of months what took seven decades in the Soviet Union, i.e. destroy the global market capitalism of the Anglo-Saxon system".

The banks of the imperialist countries Germany, Canada, United States, France, Italy, Japan and United Kingdom unconditionally prefer a global financial crisis to having to sacrifice the capitalist system. Making trouble and failing until their final fall, this is their law.

The Agence France-Presse (AFP) reported: “Janet Louise Yellen (head of the Federal Reserve of the United States) in December 2015 raised its target rate for the first time in almost 10 years. The interbank rate, that since 2008 has been between 0 and 0.25% was raised with 0.25 percentage units and ended up in the range between 0,25% and 0,50%."

This action is a result of a strategy of Yankee imperialism. This will unfailingly lead to a greater oppression of the oppressed nations and hitting the BRICS faction.

Facing the deepening of the crisis of imperialism some ideologues try to uphold a new order that they call multipolar to try to breathe life into the dying system.

Alfredo Jalife-Rahmese asks: "What happens then to the axiom that capitalism, because of its proteiform character, is able to adapt to all crises and circumstances?" What he does not want to accept is that capitalism carries in its bosom the germ of its own destruction, which is the proletariat constituted in its vanguard that will demolish the old order through people's war, with Maoism leading the new great wave of the revolution through cultural revolutions. The new multipolar order is not the road of the proletariat, it is the breath of air that imperialism needs in its death throes.

Immanuel Wallerstein (U.S. sociologist) argues on what would be the change that could be implemented: that capitalism enters a new system that he calls "bifurcation" and describes like this: "Its roots are in many aspects separate from the continuation of the basic principles of capitalism, which is understood as accumulation of capital. This is the central point of the system. A system that has worked wonderfully in certain stages during the half millennium it has existed. It has been a successful system, but it has ceased to function, like happens with every system". "What takes place in a bifurcation is that at some point at the crossroads, the system becomes anchored in a stable situation - the crisis has ended; we are in the new system".

Alfredo Jalife-Rahmeal, just like Immanuel Wallerstein, tries to uphold and explain the end of capitalism and the emergence of a "new system".
Immanuel Wallerstein considers that capitalism is on a "road to extinction" and since the battle that takes place today is to prepare the economic model ("multipolar") to replace it, the crux of the matter to him lies in what road to follow in order to effectively replace capitalism. He continues: "We are close to a relatively more democratic and egalitarian world - this is one perspective", "We have never been in a similar situation in the history of the world, but it is possible. The other perspective is to maintain the system of exploitation, which is unfair, unequal because it polarizes inequality. The new system may not be capitalism. Capitalism is what we see is falling. But there are also alternatives that are worse than what we have within capitalism."

Let us now see how the interimperialist contradiction unfolds: between the superpowers, between the imperialist superpowers and powers and between the imperialist powers themselves.

The redivision of power in the world is underway. We see two factions: on one side Yankee imperialism mobilizes the G7 members and the NATO, and on the other side the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS. This struggle develops mainly in the financial and military spheres, with the questioning of the dollar and the encirclement with military forces around Russia and China.

Yankee imperialism, in spite of all kinds of blackmail and pressure, did not manage to prevent that its allies joined the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy joined without thinking twice about it. These allies, maintaining their double interests, collaborate with the Yankee military strategy to prevent that China and Russia manages to change, "replace" or "bifurcate" the present political order.
What is concrete is that the countries that make up the BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, in spite of the political, economic, nuclear power, have still not been able to change the world hegemony, a change that would be the consequence of a military fact, the product of one of the superpowers achieving strategic superiority.

China for its part has contributed to increase the economic and military importance of the Asia-Pacific region, reaffirming this with its naval expansion.
The redivision of the world is developed simultaneously in two directions: the creation of the so-called "Greater Middle East" and the "process destined to isolate Russia" from Europe. That in light of the facts, the Europeans will lift the economic sanctions against Russia. Likewise, they try to neutralize Russia through the Islamic State.

Russia diligently seeks to head the new hegemony. Mobilizing the BRICS members and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, trying to realize a strategic alliance with China to control Central Asia and incorporate India into the (OCS) and the effective application of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

These imperialist powers create and develop new trade routes that expand their financial influence. Meanwhile, yankee imperialism tries to conserve its world domination through the control of maritime routes in application of the "theory of control of the common spaces". The Islamic State, today under orders from Yankee imperialism, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are being prepared as an army to develop a conventional war and march on the Russian Caucasus, not to overthrow President Bashar al Assad. Therefore Russia intervenes in Syria; after its military offensive it will establish, with the governments of the Middle East and the G7, its geopolitical aspirations.

In what we have written above is confirmed what the PCP has put forward before and after the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo, that: "The general counterrevolutionary offensive is an unbridled attack against Marxism. They say it has become invalid, that socialism has shown that it does not work, that the revolutionary violence does not solve anything; they proclaim that the party is useless, they shout from the rooftops that everything that was done by the World Proletarian Revolution was a hecatomb, they even say a "reissue of fascism". Don't they compare comrade Stalin to Hitler? Don't the defectors say that what fell was "Stalin's socialism". They hide the excrement they have created as revisionists. This is what the world is like now. Apart from that, the sharpening of the contradictions between the superpowers, between them and the imperialist powers; and between all the imperialists and the oppressed nations is expressed. We cannot overlook this general counterrevolutionary offensive; it is the other hill on world level. There is a sharpening of the struggle between the world revolution and the world counterrevolution, it is an offensive within the strategic offensive of the World Revolution. It is still valid that the world proletarian revolution develops within the strategic offensive of the world revolution, so this offensive is within that situation, we must not let ourselves be fooled. See how imperialism is, we will not believe what they tell us. Let us remember Marx, who said that when we study the reaction we must do so with a spirit of criticism, not with freedom of criticism; everything we do we do with class spirit, no one will tell us that Yankee imperialism is well, it is rotten from head to toe; that German imperialism is a "miracle": the so-called German unity means the devouring of the GDR, prostituted by revisionism. What has German imperialism led to? To having problems, to being bogged down. They cackled so much about the myth of Japan, that it is not in recession; this is false. Japan's growth is decreasing. Where is it going? It is in a process of recession. Do not let yourselves be fooled by what they say and shout. The world revolution continues to be the main historical and political tendency, they are on the defensive, but they want to present things as if that were not the case. We will not believe them and we will understand this if we start from the class position. What is true is that there is a general counterrevolutionary offensive and it will last for several years. The stage of strategic offensive lasts for decades, the general counterrevolutionary offensive will last for a few years, fewer rather than more."

Imperialism runs wild and rushed in its general crisis, with vacillating allies and defending its hegemony like an injured beast, aware of the situation, that the imperialist powers Russia and China want to swallow it whole like hyenas; this is why they want to acquire strategic superiority in the short run.

So, the World People's War is on the agenda!

The role of the Communist Parties is of vital importance.

We start from what the Party established: "what is the axis of conquering the power? The Party. Of serving the world revolution? It is the Party. Therefore it is crucial to manage the two line struggle in the Party, for the proletariat to maintain its hegemony, for the Party to fulfill today and tomorrow, for the Party to be a fortress and every communist a bastion. "The fortress is taken from within" - what is demanded of us then? Foresight; look carefully at the two line struggle, evaluate it justly and correctly. The opposing line, is it revisionist? Is it rightist? To what degree? Which one is the fortress of the red line? How to strengthen the proletarian line, the red line? From what we are seeing, in the committees we could not affirm that there is a contrary antagonistic line in the Party. The struggle against revisionism as the main danger continues to develop; we are putting forward continuing it against rightism as the main danger, it is broader, more specific. Why do we put forward this problem? Because of the ideological dynamic."

Likewise, this point is fundamental to understand the moment: "Just like no other class in the world has been able to take the power at once, but only through a process of restorations and counterrestorations, when the proletariat takes the power and establishes its dictatorship, the bourgeoisie strengthens its efforts to restore capitalism and a historic process begins between the proletariat, to maintain and defend its dictatorship and ward off the capitalist restoration, and the bourgeoisie that wants to take the power back. This struggle between restoration and counterrestoration is an undeniable historic law until the dictatorship of the proletariat is definitely established. In the history of the world, when the feudal class was advanced in China, it took 250 years to definitely crush the restoration of slave society; when the bourgeoisie in the west struggled against feudalism to crush the attempts at restoration or the restorations of feudalism, it needed 300 years to definitely establish its power; and, when it comes to a revolution in which the proletariat be definitely installed in power, the struggle between restoration and counterrestoration is extremely sharp and bitter, and will take approximately around 200 years starting from the Paris Commune in 1871. The experiences of the restoration in the Soviet Union and in China leaves us with great lessons, positive as well as negative; especially highlight the gigantic steps forward in the implementation of the new state and how the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is the solution to ward off the restoration.”

 Chairman Mao pointed out: the target of the Cultural Revolution was “those Party persons in power taking the capitalist road.” But the strategic objective was to solve the question of the world outlook, for the masses to change their world outlook and change society, towards the goal of a communist world.

To fulfill that, what is on the agenda is:  the World People’s War.

It is necessary to reconstitute Communist Parties that are clearly defined and apply the highest of Maoism, which is the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. Look at the experience of the Chinese and Russian revolutions and the capitulation in Nepal at the gates of the conquest of power; we must pay special attention to this and learn the lesson. Likewise, combat those who develop people’s war separated from the fluidity of the war; we insist that the new is not built when the power is conquered; it is built in the midst of the people’s war.

Chairman Mao established: “Since the Cultural Revolution is a revolution, it inevitably meets with resistance. This resistance comes chiefly from those in authority who have wormed their way into the Party and are taking the capitalist road. It also comes from the force of habits from the old society. At present, this resistance is still fairly strong and stubborn. But after all, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution is an irresistible general trend. There is abundant evidence that such resistance will be quickly broken down once the masses become fully aroused.”

This experience, of the beheading of the Great leadership of the Party and the revolution in China and Russia, vaccinates us so as to confront contrary lines that may arise and so we crush its black head. We maintain the course of the revolution here and in the world. We also consider that the revolution in Nepal did not solve the conquest of power fully and completely for the proletariat, or the continuation of revolution through Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. This led them to capitulate, to parliamentary cretinism just like their twin, the ROL in Peru.

All this demands of us that we struggle for the New Great Wave of the World Proletarian Revolution to advance and for Maoism to TAKE COMMAND OF THE NEW GREAT WAVE OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION! It demands resolute action from the communists.

We insist that through the MPP and various other channels our positions have been brought to the ex-members of the RIM, and we say to them that the complicit silence from some of the members puts them on the side of the reaction, for their lack of action and some as pawns, like what they are trying to turn a part of the PKK into. We continue to insist on the need to keep striving to reunite us communists to advance in embodying Maoism, learn great lessons and learn from our comrades around the world.

A starting point for every communist from every country is the construction of the Communist Parties, the militarization and the concentric construction of the three instruments. The militarization of the Communist Parties is a political guideline that has strategic content, since it is “the whole of transformations, changes and readjustments that are necessary to lead the people’s war as the main form of struggle that creates the new state”, therefore the militarization of the Communist Parties is crucial for the democratic revolution, the socialist revolution and the cultural revolutions. The advance in reconstituting the Communist Parties and putting back on track the people’s wars and armed struggles that are being waged in INDIA, PHILIPPINES, NEPAL, PERU  and by other peoples, will imprint a leap for the World Revolution. Comrades, strive to unite us!

Finally we make a call to the people of the world to uphold, defend and apply Maoism, and duly celebrate Proletarian Women’s Day, emphasizing the role of comrade Chiang Ching.


December 2015
PCP – Central Committee



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